What Does Meth Withdrawal Feel Like?

Meth is a distinctly nasty drug for the devastation it causes. Perhaps more than any other drug, meth creates noticeable physical deterioration in users. Skin problems, tooth decay, weight loss,

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woman talking to therapist about what DBT is

What Is DBT?

Therapy is the cornerstone of effective addiction treatment, but for optimal results, a patient’s treatment plan must be customized for their needs. For some people, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) provides

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woman meditating in holistic therapy

What Is Holistic Addiction Therapy?

Healing from addiction for the long term requires a comprehensive approach that addresses all areas of a person’s life. Holistic addiction therapy can provide the whole-person approach you need for

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man thinking about commonly abused opioids

3 Most Commonly Abused Opioids

Opioids are drugs either naturally derived from the opium plant or synthetically or semi-synthetically produced in labs from chemicals similar to natural opiates. The primary purpose of opioid drugs is

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